What is a hedge fund? A hedge fund is an investment vehicle which makes money by buying things and marking them up. Wait–isn’t that the same business model as my local supermarket? Almost exactly! One tiny difference is that your supermarket actually has to sell the things they buy, while the hedge fund makes money just by marking … Read More
Showing all posts by Ralph Hurley
Smile and Dial

As you know by now sales monkeys have not made a phone call in years due to the fact that the buyside MIT educated trader has put a stop to that. “How dare this sales monkey call me, doesn’t he know he isn’t even in the same league as I am”? “IB ME MONKEY” Buyside … Read More
First Day at the New Bucket Shop

I’m sure this isn’t new to all of you veteran 3go1go Monkeys out there but I have gotten this question from people that aren’t in this shit business and I’m sure you have also. “What is it like at your new bucket shop”? Ok, they call it a financial institution or some shit like … Read More
Nice Guy Securities
Here at 3go1go headquarters things have been very slow. The sales force has been unable to make their monthly expected revenue number because buy side accounts are not trading any bonds due to lack of volatility and lack of trading ideas. So what have the big brains in management decided to do? The only thing … Read More
How did I become such a powerful 3goer you may have asked yourself? Do you think that when I was a little monkey and my dad looked lovingly into my eyes and asked me what do you want to be when you grow up my first answer was 3go1go monkey. Well it wasn’t. This career … Read More